There are many ways to give to UCCNB. To see a list of the possibilities, please go to the DONATE tab under GET INVOLVED or this link.
Our annual campaign to support our ministries financially and with our time and energy is underway. What’s Possible if we invest in what God is doing through the United Church of Christ in New Brighton? If you feel called to participate here are electronic ways of connecting. Thank you in advance for your support!
What’s Possible if we invest in what God is doing through the United Church of Christ in New Brighton? It is a time of transition for our church and a good time to talk about investing. Investing now assists us in stepping into the future in the best possible way. Our faith calls us forward to imagine what’s possible and dream God’s dream.
If you feel called to participate here are electronic ways of connecting. Here are quick links to pledge and participate:
UCCNB also uses Vanco to enable members and friends to make ongoing or onetime electronic fund transfers from their bank checking or savings accounts to the church’s bank (weekly, twice monthly, or monthly, or just once.) You can set up a contribution to UCCNB’s:
- Annual Budget
- Community Night
- Monthly Special Offering
- Onetime Contribution
- Special Fundraising Payment
When you click on the link below you will be given an opportunity to create a profile. Having a profile is a good idea. It enables you to check the status of your contributions and to make changes. Then provide the information requested on the form. Please be careful to enter the amount you wish to have transferred periodically for ongoing giving - NOT the annual total!
You will incur no costs for these transactions. UCCNB does pay a small fee for each one. Please consider supporting the ministries of UCCNB as a “sustainer” and providing the church with financial stability. If you need help with this process, please contact