Pandemic Support Group
This group gathers on the 2st and 4rd Thursday of the month at 5:00, via Zoom, for anyone that would like to attend. Folks are welcome to share about any of that challenges of this time. All are welcome, no matter what kind of concerns and burdens you carry.
Adult Education Hour (11:00 each Sunday, September - May, in person and via Zoom)
Sunday mornings, September through May
Each week we hear from a guest speaker, a covenanted minister, or a congregation member about a wide range of topics: (Adult Education schedule)
- Congregational commitments, such as Open and Affirming and Just Peace stances, and how we can learn more or deepen our commitment.
- Social justice issues such as anti-racism efforts and immigration reform
- Sharing of life stories, travels, and interests
Bible Study Group (via Zoom)
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.,
September through May
Traditionally, UCCNB has had a lectionary-based Bible Study, so members of the group help in the preparation of the preaching through these thoughtful and meaningful conversations.
ISAIAH Core Group (meeting via Zoom)
Each month we meet on the 3rd Sunday, after Adult Education (around 12:15) to discuss some of our advocacy involvements, and to learn about how to best engage in justice ministries. This is not a closed group. All are welcome.
Salad Lunch (on hiatus)
Third Thursday of each month
These lunches are open to anyone who would like to join us. (You don't have to be a senior!) Each time we gather, there is a short program offered by a member of the church or a special guest. These programs range from travelogues to interactive activities; from working together on funeral plans and end-of-life concerns to celebrating birthdays and holidays together.
Prayer Circle (on hiatus)
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 11:00
This group gathers to hold in prayer all the joys and concerns shared in the church and in the world.
Meditation Group (on hiatus)
Each Sunday morning at 8:50
This groups meets for silent meditation before our Sunday worship service begins.
Meals Together Groups (beginning to gather in person)
Each year any interested folks are organized together into small groups (10-12 people) to have meals together at each others' homes or out at restaurants. These are wonderful ways to get to know people in more informal contexts.
Note: From the end of June to the beginning of September, we are on a "summer schedule," so some of these groups may not meet during the summer.
Need a ride?
Call the church office at 651-633-1327 if you need transportation to any of these groups.