In this quasi-post-pandemic time, we have mostly returned to in-person gatherings. But please be aware that we continue to welcome masking (optional) and careful interactions.
Sundays during worship
We include a children's moment in each service. These are special times of relating the themes that will be shared in the sermon and service to the lives of young people. Our worship services are taped and uploaded onto this website. We invite all children and families to join in and be part of this sacred hour each week either in person or via the website.
Bible Time
Every Sunday morning (September - May) at 10:45 a.m., our Associate Minister, Rev. Amy Wick Moore, and other leaders gathers with our children for Bible Time. These sessions feature the stories and teachings of our Biblical tradition and life applications for them. All are welcome.
Other Opportunities for Children
As the holidays approach, we continue to use creativity and technology to help our children connect with the Christian story and with one another. At Christmas, for instance, our nativity is a "progressive" one, put together with segments from a number of households. We look forward to what might be possible for other high points of our liturgical year.