
There are a variety of ways to give to UCCNB, and all are very  much appreciated. Below you will find information about each of them. Please do not hesitate to contact the church office if you would like more information. 

During worship we do pass an offering plate, and your cash is always welcome. We have donation envelopes in the pews if you would like to indicate anything specific about your giving, including your name. And we often have seasonal offering envelops for special offerings of the United Church of Christ.

Checks are welcome, of course, as well. Please make them out to United Church of Christ in New Brighton (UCCNB also works). You may put them in the offering plate, or mail them to the church at 1000 Long Lake Road, New Brighton, MN, 55112. It is helpful to us if you would indicate in the earmark how you would like to donation to be recorded: as pledge, for a designated offering, or some other way. 

Electronic Funds Transfer. We use a service called Vanco for our electronic online giving. This can be an ongoing automatic donation withdrawn from a bank checking or savings account, or a onetime gift. You will find more information and a link to this service on the "Donate Now" words below.

Appreciated Securities. We use Fidelity Brokerage Services as the transfer agent for gifts of appreciated stock and mutual funds. It is UCCNB’s policy to immediately sell securities upon receipt. More information can be found in the Gifts of Securities document. Provide a link to the Resource Notebook.

Minimum Required Distribution. Members and friends 72 1/2 + can request that their financial institution make a distribution to UCCNB.

Donor Advised Funds. Members and friends who have established a donor advised fund can request that their financial institution make a distribution to UCCNB.

If you need help with any of these processes, please contact

Donate Now

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